When people think of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), they often think of children. That’s partially because it’s easier to diagnose in young people. However, there are many adults who suffer from ADHD as well. If you are one of these, you need to know about a growing area of treatment knwn as music therapy that can help you better manage your attention, memory, and mood. Read on to learn more about this treatment option.
Music Therapy Defined
The Center for Music Therapy explains that this treatment option affects the human brain positively by using different kinds of music. Your brain controls your entire body, which is why disorders like ADHD become such a problem. Music reaches the brain through your ears and helps change things slightly. The rhythm in music can regulate breathing and promote the release of brain chemicals like endorphins. It can also help with relaxation and stress reduction, both of which can help an adult with ADHD have stronger self-control.
What is music therapy used for? The University of New Hampshire shows that it helps with a number of neurological, emotional, and behavioral problems. Depression, anxiety, dementia, and ADHD can all be improved through the use of music. While there are music therapists that can directly help an adult better manage their ADHD issues, this is one treatment that can be done at home.
Music To Fit Different Needs
The key is to add music to your daily life. For example, most alarm clocks and phones will let you wake up to music, which is a great way to start your day. Commuting to and from work is a great time to use some headphones and enjoy some songs. Music can really help you stay motivated when you’re exercising or doing chores, and you can squeeze in a few tunes as you get ready for bed.
But what kind of music should you be listening to? That depends on your needs at the moment. Organic Soul recommends that you match the energy and speed of a song to what you’re doing. If you need to relax, play some calm music with slow, steady beats. Instrumental songs are often best for relaxation as well. If you need to stay motivated, play something with high energy and a faster beat. Your mood tends to match what music you are listening to, so you can even help become happier by listening to upbeat songs.
This can help you focus despite your ADHD, but it can also help even out your energy levels. If you are feeling too excited or active, listen to a relaxing song. If you are feeling the opposite, listen to something that sparks your energy. And to help you stay focused, try instrumental tunes with a strong and steady rhythm. Just avoid songs with lyrics, as your ADHD can have you listening to the words more than focusing on the task at hand.
Making Music Also Helps
You don’t have to just listen to music to gain the benefits of music therapy. There is a strong body of research showing how learning to make music helps your brain. You can learn easier, develop stronger social skills, boost your self-esteem, and it can help you become more disciplined. That can be especially good for your ADHD.
One great instrument to learn how to play is the saxophone. There are many different types of saxophones on the market, so the buying guide at WWBW.com can help you pick the one that’s right for you. Chances are, you want to start with a student saxophone because that version is easier to play. Once you’ve mastered the basics and realize how much making music can help with your ADHD, you can look into more professional models.
Music Therapy Can Help
While music cannot replace the need for medication or therapy, it can definitely help you control your ADHD and feel better in general. Match the tempo and energy of a song to your activity to help stay focused, and look into purchasing a saxophone to enjoy all the benefits of making music.
Charles Carpenter of Healing Sounds